Ratification in favour of Master William Cochrane of Cowdoun

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the two charters and infeftments respectively after-specified, the one thereof granted by his majesty for himself, and as administrator to his highness's dearest son, the prince, with advice and consent of his highness's treasurer and other lords of his majesty's exchequer, to Master William Cochrane, son lawful to Alexander Cochrane of that Ilk and sheriff depute of the sheriffdom of Renfrew, and Elizabeth Scott, his spouse, and to their heirs mentioned therein, which charter is of the date 21 June 1634, of all and whole the five pound land of old extent of Cowdoun, Uplaws and Knockglass and of the loch called Loch Libo, lying within the parish of Neilston and sheriffdom of Renfrew, to be held ward in manner specified in the said charter; and the other infeftment granted by his majesty for himself as superior of a part of the lands, teinds and others after-mentioned, and as administrator to his highness's dearest son, the prince, with advice and consent foresaid, to the said Master William Cochrane, therein designed of Cowdoun, and to his said spouse, and to the longest liver of the two, and to their heirs mentioned therein, which charter is of the date 5 March 1638, of all and whole the forty shilling land of Burnside, with the mill and pertinents thereof, which are a part of the twenty pound land of Dundonald, lying in Kyle within the sheriffdom of Ayr, and of the whole other lands of the said twenty pound land with the teinds, both parsonage and vicarage, and whole pertinents of the same, the five merk land of Ploughland, the four merk land of Girtridge, the merk land of Galrig, the merk land of Galrigside, the merk land of Holms, with the teinds and pertinents thereof, with an isle in the sea called the Lady Isle, and salmon fishings upon the water Irvine, with a new gift of novodamus contained therein, bearing the erection of the kirkton of Dundonald in a burgh of barony, to be held in blench and feu ferm in manner respectively specified in the same infeftment in the whole heads, articles, clauses and conditions and circumstances thereof. And his majesty and estates decree this present ratification to be as effectual as if the said two charters and infeftments respectively were at length inserted word for word, concerning which his majesty and estates by this ratification dispense.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.350r-350v. Back