[1641/8/448]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the charter under the great seal granted by his majesty to his majesty's trusty councillor Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, his majesty's advocate, his male heirs and assignees, of the lands and barony of Craighall, the lands and barony of Kininmonth and teind sheaves thereof, the lands and barony of Taisses, and lands and barony of Wester Granton, with the whole mines and minerals within the said lands and baronies and within the kirk lands of Ceres, lands of Arnydie, lands of Hilltarvit and lands of Balass mentioned in the said infeftment, to be held of his majesty in free blench ferm, taxed ward and feu ferm respectively in manner mentioned in the said infeftment, which is of the date at Greenwich, 18 June 1635, in the whole heads, articles and clauses thereof; and will this present ratification to be as effectual as if the same were word by word inserted herein.