Ratification in favour of Sir James Scott of Rossie [for his pension]

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of this present parliament, ratifies and approves the letter of gift and pension made and granted by his majesty, under his highness's privy seal, to Sir James Scott of Rossie, knight, colonel and one of the gentlemen of his majesty's privy chamber, and Dame Antonetta Willoughby, his spouse, during all the days of their lifetimes and to the longest liver of the two, of the sum of 1,000 merks money of this realm of Scotland yearly to be uplifted and taken at two terms in the year, Whitsunday [May/June] and Martinmas [11 November] in winter, by equal portions, out of the first and readiest of his majesty's rents, duties or casualties whatsoever within the said kingdom, of the date at Berwick, 29 June 1639, in all points after the form and tenor thereof. And ordains this ratification of the same to be as valid and sufficient in all respects as if the said letter of pension were at length inserted herein, dispensing hereby with the not inserting thereof, and further declares, statutes and ordains that the same letter of pension and this present ratification thereof shall be a valid and sufficient right to the said Sir James Scott and his said spouse during all the days of their lifetimes for possessing, enjoying and uplifting of the foresaid yearly pension of all years and terms bygone resting owed in time coming during their and the longest liver of their lifetimes.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.344r. Back
  2. APS interpolation. Back