[Ratification of a deliverance of the secret council in favour of the tacksmen of the teind herring at Dunbar]

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the warrant deliverance of the lords of secret council granted in favour of the tacksmen of the teind herring of Dunbar, whereby it is ordained that none of the fishers and coopers of herring attending the herring drove and fishing at Dunbar presume nor take upon hand to wet their nets or buy any herring until first they come to the admiral, his deputes or clerks resident at Dunbar, and give up to him the name of the skipper and owner of their boat, and that they act themselves to keep order the time of the fishing, and that they shall make payment of the assize, teind and other duties payable by them, and also that they shall require and thankfully pay their teind before they depart, under the pain of £20 to be paid by the owner of the boat if he be present, and if he be absent by the skipper, in addition to the reparation of the wrongs to be done by them to any of the lieges, bearing certification to them who fail that they shall be determined to have incurred the said pain and execution shall pass against them for payment thereof and for satisfaction of the parties damaged, in the whole heads, articles and circumstances thereof. And will that this order shall be kept and observed in all time coming, and that letters be passed by the lords of secret council to the effect foresaid.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.340v-341r. Back
  2. This piece of legislation has been incorrectly titled 'Ratification in favour of the laird of Aitken' 'in the manuscript. APS has substituted the wrong title for '[Ratification of a deliverance of the secret council in favour of the tacksmen of the teind herring at Dunbar]'. Back