Ratification in favour of [Sir John Wauchope], laird of Niddrie of his infeftment of Niddrie-Marischal

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament have ratified and approved and, by this legislation, ratify and approve the charter granted by his majesty, with consent of his highness's treasurer, treasurer depute and other lords of his majesty's exchequer, under his highness's great seal, of the date 21 January 1632, to his majesty's beloved Sir John Wauchope of Niddrie-Marischal, knight, therein designed John Wauchope, his male heirs and assignees whatsoever, of all and whole the lands and barony of Niddrie-Marischal, as well the two part as third part thereof, with manor places, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, mills, multures, coals, coal pits, annexes, connexes, parts, pendicles and all their pertinents, with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the kirk or chapel of Niddrie-Marischal, and also of all and whole the lands of Pilmuir, with the pertinents, all lying within the sheriffdom of Edinburgh; and also containing a ratification of two infeftments, one thereof made by the late Sir James Sandilands of Slamannan, knight, to Master James Sandilands, commissary of Aberdeen, his heirs and assignees of the said lands and barony of Niddrie-Marischal, with their foresaid and right of patronage above-specified, and the other thereof made by the said Master James Sandilands, with consent of Katherine Paterson, his spouse, and Master Thomas Sandilands, his eldest son, to the said Sir John Wauchope, his male heirs and assignees of the lands, barony and others above-specified; and also containing a new gift granted by his majesty, with consent foresaid, to the said Sir John Wauchope and his foresaids, of the same lands, barony and others respectively above-specified. And likewise ratify and approve another charter made by his majesty, with consent foresaid, under his highness's great seal, of the date 3 July 1637, to the said Sir John Wauchope, his male heirs and assignees whatsoever, of all and whole the town and lands of Ravelrig, with houses, buildings, yards, orchards, tofts, crofts, onsets, outsets with commonty, common pasturage, muirs, mosses, meadows and all their parts, pendicles and pertinents of the said town and lands of Ravelrig, with the privilege, within the whole commonty of Balerno, with the pertinents, as well for pasturage as for extracting and transporting of peat, fuel, fail and divot and turf, according to old use and wont only, lying within the barony of Balerno and sheriffdom of Edinburgh, as both the said charters of the dates respectively foresaid in themselves more fully purport, together with the precepts and instruments of sasine following upon the said charters, together with all and sundry other infeftments, charters, sasines, confirmations and other evidents, rights and securities made to the said Sir John Wauchope, his predecessors and authors, of and concerning the lands, barony, right of patronage and others respectively above-specified, of whatsoever dates, tenors or contents the same be of, in all and sundry heads, clauses, articles and conditions contained therein, and after the forms and tenors thereof in all points. And his majesty and estates of this present parliament will and grant that this present ratification shall be as good, valid and sufficient as if the said charters, infeftments and others specially and generally above-mentioned were herein specially engrossed and inserted, concerning which our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid have dispensed and dispense by this ratification.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.332v-333r. Back