[1641/8/396]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify, approve and, for his majesty and his successors, perpetually confirm to and in favour of his majesty's beloved Sir William Dick of Braid, knight, and of his heirs and assignees the letter of tack and assedation set, made and granted by the late Sir James Baillie of Lochend, knight, archpriest of Dunbar, with advice and consent of the late George [Home], earl of Dunbar, lord Home of Berwick, undoubted patron of the said archpriestship and college kirk of Dunbar, and with consent of the dean and other prebendaries of the said college kirk of Dunbar, and of the late James [Hamilton], earl of Abercorn etc., as tutor to the late Claud [Hamilton], lord Paisley, dean of the said college kirk, to the late William Lauder in Belhaven, son and heir to the late Mawries Lauder, burgess of Dunbar, for all the days of his lifetime, and after his decease to Alexander Lauder, his eldest lawful son and then apparent heir for all the days of his lifetime, and to their heirs, assignees and subtenants during all the days, space, years and terms of three separate nineteen years, each one successively after another, until the two separate liferents and three separate nineteen years be fully complete and outrun, of all and sundry the small teinds, lint, hemp, hay, butter, cheese, calves, geese, pigs, coal, salt and other small teinds pertaining to the said archpriestship of Dunbar, as well of commodities to be won as already won, wherever the same lie, far and near; together also with all and sundry the teind fishes, as well of salmon and herring as other fishes, called red and white fish, taken and to be taken by ships, crayers, boats, cobles or otherwise whatsoever between the mouth of the water of Tyne and Skateraw Burn, within the sheriffdom of Edinburgh and constabulary of Haddington (excepting always to the said archpriest of Dunbar and his successors the whole small teinds of the whole lands then pertaining to the late Sir George Home of Broxmouth, with the teinds of whatsoever fishes that happen to come in cobles or boats to be released within the bounds of Broxmouth) for payment of a certain yearly duty mentioned and contained in the said letter of tack and assedation, as the same of the date [...] July 1609 at more length bears, with the ratification written on the end of the said letter of tack, of the date 18 July 1623, whereby the said Sir James Baillie ratified and approved the same letter of tack and assedation above-specified in the whole heads and clauses thereof; together with the letters of assignation and disposition made by the said Alexander Lauder, tacksman foresaid, of the foresaid letter of tack, whole heads and clauses thereof, to and in favour of George Aitken of Underedge, of the date 8 July 1622, with the ratification written on the end thereof, ratifying and approving the same, subscribed by the said late Sir James Baillie, of the date 21 August next thereafter in the same year; together also with the letter of ratification granted by his majesty under his highness's privy seal, of the date 3 March 1632, whereby his majesty ratified and approved in favour of the said George Aitken, his heirs and assignees the foresaid letter of tack and ratification thereof above-written in the whole heads and clauses thereof. And also his majesty, with consent foresaid, by this legislation ratifies and approves the disposition, assignation and translation made by the said George Aitken of Underedge, for himself and taking the burden upon him for the late Agnes Dalmahoy, his spouse, and the said late Agnes for herself, with consent of the said George Aitken, her spouse, of the date 7 June 1634, to and in favour of the said Sir William Dick of Braid, knight, his heirs and assignees of the said letter of tack and assedation of the said teinds, with the assignation made thereto by the said Alexander Lauder to the said George Aitken and his foresaids, and letter of ratification above-specified, granted by his majesty under his highness's privy seal to and in favour of the said George Aitken of the foresaid tack and ratification thereof above-specified, written upon the end thereof; and also another disposition, assignation and translation made by the said George Aitken to the said Sir William Dick and his foresaids of the same tack foresaid, of the said teinds, assignation above-specified made to the said Alexander† Aitken by the said Alexander Lauder thereto, and of his majesty's ratification foresaid of the said tack and ratification written on the end thereof, which last assignation, translation and disposition made by the said George Aitken to the said Sir William is contained in a contract and appointment passed and perfected between them of the date 19 March 1640, inserted and registered in the books of council and session upon 28 July last, and that in the whole heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances of the foresaid letter of tack, ratifications, translations, assignations and dispositions above-mentioned, conceived or which in any way may be conceived or interpreted in favour of the said Sir William and his foresaids, in whose person the right of the tack foresaid of the said teinds is now established by the rights and titles above-mentioned, saving and reserving always to our said sovereign lord and his majesty's successors the duties, rights and services due and owing to his majesty and his highness's predecessors for the said teinds before this present confirmation. Moreover, our said sovereign lord, with consent foresaid, wills and grants and, for his majesty and his highness's successors, decrees and ordains that this present ratification of the writs and evidents particularly above-mentioned is and shall be as valid and sufficient to the said Sir William Dick and his foresaids for their security of the said teinds during the space foresaid contained in the said tack as if the same writs hereby ratified as said is were all word by word and at length expressed and inserted herein; concerning which, and regarding all defects and imperfections which may be proposed or alleged against the validity of the same writs, or this present ratification thereof, his majesty, with consent foresaid, has dispensed and by this ratification dispenses for ever.