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Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the charter granted by his majesty, under his highness's great seal, of the date at Edinburgh, 29 March 1634, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon in favour of his majesty's beloved Sir William Dick of Braid, designed thereby William Dick of Braid, merchant burgess of Edinburgh, and to his heirs and assignees whatsoever heritably, of all and sundry the lands of the Mains of North Berwick, with manor places, houses, buildings, yards, orchards, dovecots, links, parts, pendicles, fishings and all their pertinents; the lands called the ferm lands or ferm acres with the links thereof, extending in the whole to 15 husband lands, with all and sundry their pendicles and pertinents, together with the teinds of the fishes of the whole port of North Berwick; of all and whole the west part of the town of North Berwick, called the Nungate, lying upon the west side of the burn, called the Clarty Burn, with all and sundry lands, tenements, houses, buildings, tofts, crofts, outsets, barns and other pertinents thereof, and of those four crofts of land with their pertinents lying upon the south side of the burgh of North Berwick; and all and whole the corn mill, called the corn mill of Linton, upon the water of Tyne, with houses, buildings, yards, tofts, crofts, multures and sequels and pertinents thereof, all lying within the sheriffdom of Edinburgh and constabulary of Haddington; and of all and whole the lands of Grange of Breich, with houses, buildings, yards, parts, pendicles and pertinents thereof, lying within the parish of Calder and foresaid sheriffdom of Edinburgh; and of all and whole the isle of Langbelland, with their pertinents, together with the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the chaplainries or altarages, called the Lady Altar, Rude Altar and St Sebastian's Altar, founded of old within the parish kirk of North Berwick; and also of all and whole the teinds sheaves and other teind fruits, rents, emoluments, proviants and duties whatsoever, parsonage and vicarage, of all and whole the said lands of the Mains of North Berwick, with parts, pendicles and pertinents thereof; and of all and whole the said lands, called the ferm lands or ferm acres, with their pertinents; and of all and whole the said west part of the said town and lands of North Berwick, called the Nungate, lying upon the west side of the said burn, called the Clarty Burn, with tofts, crofts and pertinents thereof, and of the meadow called the Law Meadow and North Berwick Law, and of the mills of Kinketh, crofts and pertinents thereof; and also of all and sundry the lands underwritten, namely: of the lands called Horscruike and lands called Puntoun, Myriefauld, Sligobake, Pontounrig, Pontonemyre, North Meadow of Heugh near North Berwick Law, and of the lands of Bonnington and Greensyd, with their pertinents, being proper parts and pertinents of the said lands of Heugh pertaining heritably to the said Sir William Dick, lying within the parish of North Berwick. All the said teinds, lands and others above-specified with all their parts, pendicles and pertinents, with certain other lands and teinds, were erected in a whole and free barony called the barony of North Berwick, as the said charter of the date foresaid at more length purports, in the whole heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances of the same charter, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon, conceived in favour of the said Sir William Dick and his foresaids, saving and reserving always to our said sovereign lord and his majesty's successors the rights, services and duties due and customary to be paid to his majesty and his highness's predecessors for the lands, teinds and others foresaid before this present confirmation. Moreover, our said sovereign lord, with advice and consent foresaid, wills and grants and, for his majesty and his highness's successors, by this ratification, decrees and ordains that this present ratification is and shall be as valid and sufficient to the said Sir William Dick, his heirs and assignees foresaid as if the said charter, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon were all word by word and at length expressed and inserted herein, or as if the same had been made and granted to them before the sasine taken by them of the lands, teinds and others foresaid, notwithstanding of the sasine if any be already taken by them of the same; concerning which, and regarding all other defects and imperfections whatsoever which in any way may be proposed or alleged against the validity of the said charter, precept and instrument of sasine following thereupon, or this present ratification thereof, his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, has dispensed and, by this ratification, dispenses for ever.