Ratification to the minister of Dunkeld of 1,000 merks

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament, considering that forasmuch as it has pleased his sacred majesty out of his royal zeal and fatherly affection to the growth and increase of religion within this his majesty's ancient and native kingdom, by his signature of mortification, dated at Holyroodhouse, 8 November instant, to found, mortify and convey to the cathedral kirk of Dunkeld and to the ministers serving the cure thereat present and to come, 1,000 merks Scots yearly for maintaining the ministers thereat, and £100 Scots for upholding the fabric of the said kirk, to be uplifted out of the late bishops' rents of Dunkeld in manner at length specified in the said signature, therefore his majesty and estates of parliament have ratified and approved and, by this legislation, ratify and approve the foresaid mortification with all that is appointed to follow thereupon, in all and sundry heads, articles, clauses, circumstances thereof, and will and grant and, for his highness and his successors, with consent of the estates of parliament, decree and ordain this present confirmation to be as valid and sufficient to the ministers serving the cure at the said kirk of Dunkeld now present and to come, as if the foresaid signature and mortification were word by word expressed herein, concerning which and with all that may follow thereupon, his majesty and estates of parliament by this ratification dispense for ever; and dissolve as many of the rents of the said bishopric of Dunkeld as will make up the foresaid sums for the uses respectively above-specified contained in the said signature from his majesty's crown and patrimony thereof, and from the said late bishopric of Dunkeld and other benefices, to which the same was annexed of before, to the effect the foresaid sums of money may remain with the said kirk of Dunkeld and ministers serving the cure thereat, present and to come, for the uses respectively foresaid, as a testimony of his majesty's favour in all time coming.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.301v-302r. Back