[1641/8/378]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the letters of gift granted by his majesty, with advice and consent of his highness's treasurer, comptroller and collector or treasurer of his highness's new augmentations, depute, within this realm and kingdom of Scotland, and of the other lords and others of his highness's exchequer of the said kingdom of Scotland, his highness's commissioners, to and in favour of John Malcolm under his majesty's privy seal of the date at Whitehall, 25 July last, whereby his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, has made, constituted and ordained the said John Malcolm his highness's chamberlain of his majesty's lordship and stewartry of Fife and collector and receiver of his highness's rents, mails, ferms, kanes, customs, casualties and duties to be paid to his said [majesty] out of his said lordship and stewartry of Fife, lands, lordships, baronies and others pertaining thereto, of all years and terms to come during the said John Malcolm's lifetime, and giving and granting to him the said office and place thereof, with all fees, duties, privileges and commodities belonging to the said office of chamberlain of Fife during all the days of the said John Malcolm's lifetime, now vacant, fallen and become in his highness's hands and at his highness's donation, gift and disposition in manner specified in the said letters of gift, with ample power and privileges to the said John Malcolm regarding the said office, using and exercising thereof, as the said letters of gift of the date foresaid at more length bear, in all and sundry the heads, points, clauses, articles and conditions contained therein, and after the form and tenor in all points. And our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament will, grant, decree and ordain that the said letters of gift and this present ratification thereof is and shall be a sufficient right to the said John Malcolm for possessing, using and exercising of the said office during his lifetime, according thereto in all points, without question or contradiction.