Ratification in favour of [Sir George Stirling], laird of Keir

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the tack made by way of contract at Hamilton, 5 September, 1636, between Master Walter Whitford, thereby designed Walter, bishop of Brechin and subdean of Glasgow, with consent of the dean and chapter thereof, on the one part, and Sir George Stirling of Keir, knight, heritable proprietor of the lands of Hiltoun, Kirkton, Caldercut, East Calder, Bogtoun, Boclay and Balumbie, lying within the parish of Calder and subdeanery of Glasgow, whereby the said Master Walter Whitford, with consent foresaid, for the yearly duty contained therein (and thereby having power by the parliament held at Edinburgh, 28 June 1633 to set tacks of the teinds, fruits and rents of the subdeanery of Glasgow to the heritors thereof), set in tack and assedation to the said Sir George Stirling, his heirs and assignees all and sundry the parsonage teinds and teind sheaves of the lands particularly above-written and that during the whole space and years of three nineteen years, according to the tenor of the act made in the said parliament relating thereto, next after the said Sir George's entry thereto, which is declared by the said tack to have been and begun at Lammas [1 August] 1636, as the same subscribed by the said subdean and by the said dean and chapter of the said subdeanery at more length bears, in the whole heads, articles, clauses and conditions thereof conceived in favour of the said Sir George, saving and reserving to our said sovereign and his majesty's successors the duties, rights and services due to his majesty for the teinds foresaid of the said lands before this present ratification. Likewise his majesty and estates of this said present parliament will, grant, decree and ordain that this present ratification of the foresaid letter of tack is and shall be as valid and sufficient to the said Sir George Stirling, his heirs and assignees foresaid, as if the same were at length word by word inserted and expressed herein; concerning which, and regarding all other defects and imperfections which in any way may be proposed or alleged against the validity of the said tack, or this present ratification thereof, our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament have dispensed and by this ratification dispense for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.290v. Back