[1641/8/336]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve and perpetually confirm the decreet given and pronounced by the commissioners of parliament appointed for plantation of kirks upon 24 January 1618, regarding the uniting of the kirk of Moy to the kirk of Dyke, both lying within the diocese of Moray, and regarding the modifying of a stipend to the minister serving the cure at Dyke, to which Moy is united, of the quantity contained in the said decreet in that head, article and clause of the foresaid decreet, whereby the said commissioners of parliament, with consent of Alexander [Douglas], bishop of Moray for the time, has found, declared and determined the right of presentation of the minister to the said kirk of Dyke, to which the kirk of Moy is united as said is, to pertain and belong to the late Alexander [Seton], earl of Dunfermline, lord Fyvie and Urquhart, chancellor of Scotland, patron of the said kirk of Moy, and to his heirs and successors in the same right of patronage, notwithstanding of the union foresaid of the said kirk of Moy to the said kirk of Dyke in all time thereafter, as the said decreet in that head and article thereof bearing the production of the said late Earl of Dunfermline, his infeftment and right of patronage of the foresaid kirk of Moy, of the date above-written, more fully purports; together with the same infeftment, and right of patronage granted to the said late Alexander, earl of Dunfermline, of the patronage of the said kirk of Moy formerly produced by him in the decreet above-mentioned, with all other infeftments, dispositions, tacks, rights and titles whatsoever granted to the said late Alexander, earl of Dunfermline, or to Charles, now earl of Dunfermline, of the advocation, donation and right of patronage of the said kirks of Moy and Dyke and teinds thereof in the whole heads, articles, clauses, conditions and circumstances of the same. Likewise our sovereign lord and estates of parliament foresaid will and declare that this present ratification is and shall be as valid and sufficient as if the foresaid infeftments, dispositions and others above-specified hereby ratified were inserted at length and word for word herein, concerning which, our sovereign lord and estates of parliament dispense for ever; and also ordain and declare that the foresaid infeftments, dispositions and other rights and titles of the patronage above-written, hereby ratified with this present ratification thereof, shall be sufficient and valid rights to the said Charles, now earl of Dunfermline and his heirs and successors for holding and possessing of the foresaid patronage and others contained therein, according to the tenor of the same in all points.