Ratification to Master Thomas Mitchell

Our sovereign lord and estates of this parliament presently convened ordain an act to be made therein, ratifying and approving the letters of gift made and granted by our said sovereign to Master Thomas Mitchell, minister at Turriff, of the date 8 November instant, whereby our said sovereign lord, for the considerations therein mentioned, has given, granted and conveyed to the said Master Thomas Mitchell, his heirs, executors or assignees, in contentment and satisfaction of his bygone damage and loss, all and whole the ferms, kanes, customs, silver duties and other duties of the bishopric of Ross, crops and years of God 1638, 1639, 1640, and 1641 as yet resting owed and unpaid by the vassals and others due and in use of payment thereof, in the whole heads and points thereof, and after the form and tenor of the same in all points.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.262v. Back