[1641/8/298]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify, approve and perpetually confirm all and sundry charters, infeftments, gifts, grants, liberties, privileges, rights, titles and securities whatsoever made and granted by his majesty and his majesty's most noble progenitors to and in favour of the burgh of Dumbarton, provost, bailies, council and community thereof at any time bygone and acts of parliament and other rights ratifying the same, of whatsoever date or dates, tenors or contents the same be of, with all and sundry liberties, privileges, immunities, casualties, customs and duties contained therein, or whereof they and their predecessors are and have been in use and possession at any time bygone, with the liberty of their fairs of Patrickmas [17 March], Midsummer [24 June] and Lammas [1 August] and all other fairs and markets used and wont held and to be held within the said burgh, liberty and territory thereof, with the keeping and riding of the said fairs and markets and uplifting of all customs, imposts and other duties whatsoever used and wont to be paid in the same in the same way and as freely in all respects as have been uplifted and taken in the said fairs and markets at any time bygone; together with the office of sheriffship within the said burgh, liberty and territory thereof, as well by land as water, with full power to hold courts as often and so often as need be within the said burgh, liberty and territory thereof or any part of the same, and with liberty of court plaint, herial and bloodwit, infangtheif and outfangtheif, pit and gallows within the same, absents to fine, transgressors to punish, escheat, fines and amercements of the said courts to uplift, receive and apply the same for the well of the said burgh, and if need be to poind and distrenzie thereof as appropriate, clerks, serjeants, dempsters, officers and other members of court needful to make, create and cause be sworn, and to do, use and exercise all other things necessary belonging to the said courts of sheriffship within the said burgh and liberty and territory thereof, in the same way and as freely in all respects as is known to pertain to any other free burgh royal within this kingdom, or whereof they have been in possession at any time bygone, according to the foresaid rights and infeftments made and granted to the said burgh of Dumbarton as is before rehearsed in all and sundry heads, points, articles, clauses, liberties, privileges, immunities and circumstances thereof. And his majesty and estates of parliament will and grant and, for his highness and his successors, decree and ordain that this present confirmation shall be as sufficient and valid to the said burgh of Dumbarton, provost, bailies, council and community thereof now present and their successors in all time coming as if the foresaid charters, infeftments, gifts, grants, donations, offices, rights, privileges and liberties, particularly and generally above-expressed, were word by word expressed and set down herein, concerning which, and with all defects and inconveniences, and with all objections and imperfections if any be which may be opposed or alleged against the validity of the said infeftments, rights, privileges and others foresaid or of this present confirmation thereof, his majesty and estates of parliament have dispensed and, by this ratification, dispense for ever; and statute and ordain that the foresaid infeftments, gifts, grants, donations, liberties and privileges respectively foresaid, with this present ratification thereof, shall be an absolute, undoubted, valid and sufficient right to the provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh now present and their successors perpetually in all time coming for holding, using, enjoying and possessing of the said burgh, lands, liberties, privileges, offices and jurisdiction of sheriffship and others respectively, particularly and generally above-specified, freely, quietly, well and in peace without any impediment or interruption to be made to them therein in any sort, according to the foresaid infeftments and other rights, liberties and privileges foresaid granted and pertaining to the said burgh of Dumbarton in all points. And his majesty and estates of parliament hereby discharge all other sheriffs and their deputes and officers and other persons whatsoever from any troubling, stopping, molesting or impeding of the said burgh, provost, bailies, council and community thereof present and to come of any of the liberties, privileges, offices and others respectively foresaid within the said burgh, liberty and territory thereof, either by sea or land, in any time coming, according to their rights and infeftments foresaid as said is, and ordain letters of publication, concurrence and other executors needful to be directed hereupon in the appropriate form.