[1641/8/295]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ratify and approve the charter and infeftment granted by his majesty to his highness's beloved David Carnegie of Ethie, his male heirs and assignees mentioned therein, and to Jean Maule, his spouse, eldest lawful daughter to his majesty's daily servant Patrick Maule of Panmure, in warrandice of her liferent lands, of all and whole the lands and barony of Craig, comprehending the lands of Meikle Perth and mill thereof, Canony, Ballochy, Brinkes†, Muirton, with the muirs and salmon fishings, Inglismaldie and mill thereof; third part of the lands of Killrie, Easter and Wester Dallry and mill thereof; third part of the lands of Craig and Glenyland and the mains and town of Lour, with the mill thereof; the lands and mains of Ley, with the mill, little garden, alias Easter and Wester Borders, with tower, fortalices, mills, mill lands, salmon fishings, advocation, donation of chaplainries and others mentioned in the said infeftment, all united to the said barony of Craig, to be held of his majesty and his successors in free blench for payment of the blench duties contained in the said infeftment, notwithstanding that a part thereof held of before of his majesty by ward and relief, as in the said infeftment at more length is contained, which is of the date at Whitehall, 8 January 1639, in the whole heads and articles thereof, and wills and declares that this present ratification shall be as effectual as if the said charter and infeftment were herein inserted expressly.