Act in favour of the burgh of Jedburgh

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of this present parliament, considering that the burgh of Jedburgh has only the privilege of one fair in the year, and that it is very necessary and will contribute and conduce much to the well and profit of the country and of his majesty's subjects in these parts about if the said burgh had the privilege of another two fairs yearly for the sale of their goods and cattle, in respect of the great multitude of goods and cattle in the borders and these parts of the country next adjacent to the said burgh, therefore our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament give, grant and convey to the provost and bailies, council and community of the said burgh of Jedburgh and their successors, provosts, bailies, council and community thereof all and whole the privilege and liberty of another two fairs yearly to be held at the said burgh of Jedburgh within the bounds of any part of the lands and liberties thereof where they shall think most expedient, the one thereof to be held upon 15 August, called the First Lady Day, and the other to he held upon 4 November, called St Leonard's Day. Likewise his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, gives, grants and conveys to the said burgh, council and community thereof, and their successors, all privileges, customs, great and small, and other duties whatsoever pertaining to a free fair, with full power to them to uplift and receive the customs of the said fairs, and thereupon to convey at their pleasure and to do, exercise and enjoy all liberties and privileges in the said fairs in the same way and as freely in all respects as they have exercised or enjoyed in their former fairs, or as they or any other burgh of this kingdom having the power and privilege of free fairs has exercised or enjoyed, or may exercise or enjoy, the same in any time bygone or to come. And ordains this present act to be as valid to the said burgh of Jedburgh for their privilege of two fairs as if the same were passed his majesty's seals by way of signature, concerning which, his majesty, with consent foresaid, has dispensed and by this act, with advice and consent foresaid, dispenses for ever.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.222r-222v. Back