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Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament has ratified and approved and, by this legislation, ratifies and approves the charter granted by his majesty, with consent of his highness's treasurer, treasurer depute and other lords of his majesty's exchequer of this kingdom, under his highness's great seal, to his majesty's beloved James Melville of Halhill, his male heirs and assignees, of all and sundry the lands of Nether Grange of Kinghorn Wester, called The Mains, with the teind sheaves thereof included, and their pertinents, with the manor place, tower, fortalice or castle of Burntisland, commonly called the Castle of Burntisland, and with the mills of Burntisland, commonly called the Sea Mills of Burntisland, with the multures of the town of Burntisland, called Wester Kinghorn, with the astricted multures of all and sundry corns growing upon the ground and lands of the said town of Burntisland and of all other kinds of corns brought in within the said town, and steeping and kilning therein, with the knaveship and other duties and services whatsoever pertaining to the said mills called the Sea Mills, and of all and whole the east quarter of the said lands of Wester Kinghorn, with houses, buildings, yards, tofts and pertinents thereof lying within the regality of Dunfermline and sheriffdom of Fife, all erected in a free barony called the barony of Burntisland, to be held of his majesty and his highness's successors in feu ferm and heritage, as the said charter of the date 26 January 1638 at length bears. And also ratify and approve another charter granted by his majesty, with consent foresaid, under his highness's great seal, to the said James Melville, his heirs and assignees, of the lands of Easter Collessie, called Halhill, with tower, fortalice, orchards, yards, mills, mill lands, multures and sequels thereof, and also of the lands of Muirfield, with houses, buildings, tofts, crofts, parts, pendicles and pertinents, of all and sundry the said lands of Easter Collessie, called Halhill, mill thereof, and of the said lands of Muirfield with their foresaids, lying within the stewartry and sheriffdom of Fife, and of the teind sheaves and parsonage teinds of the said lands of Collessie, called Halhill, parts, pendicles and pertinents thereof, lying within the parish of Collessie and sheriffdom foresaid, to be held of his majesty and his highness's successors, as in the said charter made thereupon of the date 3 November 1625 at more length is contained; together with the precepts and instruments of sasine following upon the said charters, together with all and sundry other infeftments, sasines, confirmations and other evidents, rights and securities made to the said James Melville of Halhill, his authors or predecessors of and concerning the lands, mills, multures, teinds and others above-specified, of whatsoever dates, tenors or contents the same be of, in all and sundry heads, clauses, articles and conditions contained therein, after the forms and tenors of the same in all points. And his majesty and estates of the said parliament will and grant that this present ratification shall be as good, valid and sufficient as if the said charters, infeftments and others specially and generally above-mentioned were herein specially engrossed and inserted, concerning which, our said sovereign lord and estates foresaid have dispensed and dispense by this ratification.