Act regarding the keeping of the castle of Edinburgh

The which day the king's majesty, with advice and approbation of the estates of parliament, nominated and elected Alexander [Leslie], earl of Leven, lord general, to be captain and keeper of the castle of Edinburgh, to whom his majesty, with advice and approbation foresaid, commits the custody and keeping of the said castle and gives and conveys to him, as captain and keeper thereof, the whole rents, duties, liberties and privileges belonging and appertaining thereto to be possessed and intromitted with by him in time coming for the keeping of the said castle; which castle his majesty, with advice and approbation of the said estates of parliament, ordains to be put and kept in the condition the same was before the late troubles, and therefore ordains the said castle to be delivered to the said Alexander, earl of Leven and he put in possession thereof.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.211r. Back