[1641/8/266]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord and the estates of parliament, taking to consideration the great and acceptable service done to this kingdom by Alexander, earl of Leven, general of the whole forces thereof during the late troubles, and being most willing to give him some token and testimony of their thankful remembrance of the same, have given and granted, and by the tenor hereof give and grant, to the said Alexander, earl of Leven all and whole the sum of 100,000 merks Scots money, to be paid to him, his heirs and assignees out of the first and readiest of the monies pertaining to the public at the feast and term of Lammas [1 August] next, in the year of God 1642. Likewise they do hereby will, command and require the commissioners for the public burdens to cause good and thankful payment of the said sum be made to the said Alexander, earl of Leven and his foresaids between now and the said term of Lammas next, and to pay the ordinary annualrent of the said sum in case of non-payment thereof at the term foresaid until the same be duly and thankfully paid, and declare that this present act shall be a full and perfect security for the payment thereof to the said earl and his foresaids in manner above-written.