[1641/8/265]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament, considering that his majesty consented to the act for discharging the custom of two and a half per cent, and the impost of £4 on the tun upon this condition: that warrant be granted to the exchequer to establish the book of rates, accordingly as the prices of merchandise now rule; likewise his majesty, having permitted the option to the burghs either to continue in the payment of the foresaid custom discharged or to be ruled by the book of rates to be set down by the exchequer, accordingly as the prices of merchandise now rule, the said burghs made choice to be ruled by the book of rates and consented to the foresaid commission. Therefore his majesty and estates of parliament have given and granted, and by the tenor hereof give and grant, full power and commission to the lords and others of his highness's exchequer of this kingdom to establish the book of rates regarding the payment of his majesty's customs, and for regulating thereof accordingly as the prices of merchandise now rule, and ordain the said lords and others of his highness's exchequer to regulate and set down the said customs accordingly as the prices of merchandise now rule as said is, concerning which his majesty and estates of parliament declare this commission to be a sufficient warrant.