Legislation: private act
Act in favour of Captain William Stewart

The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament, having heard the petition given in by Captain William Stewart, son to Harry Stewart of Cougan, esquire, in Ireland, purporting that he is to petition the parliament of England for the reparations of the great losses and sufferings sustained by his said father upon occasion of his constant adhering to the National Covenant of the subjects of this kingdom, and in regard the petitioner himself has been also a sufferer for that same cause and was forced to retire himself to this his native country where he did serve as a captain faithfully the time of the late troubles and since has carried himself worthily as a good patriot in particulars of great concernment, therefore desiring his majesty and the estates to recommend the petitioner's and his father's condition and cause to the parliament of England, as the petition more fully purports. Wherewith his majesty and estates, being well advised and knowing perfectly the generous and loyal carriage of the said Captain William, whereof they do by this act give true and faithful testimony; they do therefore recommend him, his father and their cause to the favourable hearing of his majesty and the parliament of England that they may find that measure of their favour and benignity in upsetting their loss as may oblige the estates of this kingdom to the like retribution as occasion shall offer.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.200v. Back