Procedure: commission
Commission for visitation of the University of St Andrews

Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament, considering that his majesty has lately given and founded to the University of St Andrews and colleges thereof the feu mails, feu ferms, teinds, teind duties and rents which pertained of before to the late archbishop of St Andrews and prior of St Andrews annexed thereto, and that the said rents are by express condition of the said mortification appointed to be distributed among the several colleges of the said university, principals, professors, regents and other members thereof, at the sight of his majesty's commissioners appointed or to be appointed for visiting of the said university, and that now his majesty, with consent of the estates, is pleased to appoint commissioners for that effect and for setting down an order for ruling and governing of the said university and colleges thereof, therefore, his majesty and estates of parliament, by this commission, make, nominate and constitute the persons respectively after-following, namely: Archibald [Campbell], earl of Argyll, John [Kennedy], earl of Cassilis, John [Wemyss], earl of Wemyss, John [Maitland], earl of Lauderdale, David [Carnegie], earl of Southesk, John [Lindsay], lord Lindsay, John [Elphinstone], lord Balmerino, Robert [Balfour], lord [Balfour of] Burleigh, Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, his majesty's advocate, or Sir John Hope, fiar of Craighall, one of the senators of the college of justice, Sir John Leslie of Newton, Master James Reid of Pitlethie, James Sword, citizen in St Andrews, Master Alexander Henderson and Master Harry Rollock, two of the ordinary ministers of Edinburgh, Master Robert Blair, minister at St Andrews, Master David Munro, minister at Elie, Master Andrew Wood, minister at Monifieth, Master Patrick Scougall, minister at Dairsie, Master Andrew Auchinleck, minister at Largo, Master Walter Buchanan, minister at Ceres, Master James Simpson, minister at Bathgate, or any nine of them, five of them being ministers, as their commissioners in that part to the effect after-specified. With full power and commission to them to meet, convene and visit the said university and colleges thereof, upon the [...] day of [...] next, or at any other diet or time to be appointed by them as they shall think expedient, and to distribute amongst the principals, professors and other members of the said university and colleges thereof the particular localities of the said feu mails, teinds and others mentioned in the said mortification, according to the order and proportion agreed upon by the committee appointed by his majesty and allowed by his majesty at the giving in of the report, and that each one of the said three colleges shall have their own locality and be uplifted by their own administration and distributed among them accordingly in manner foresaid. With power also to the said commissioners to order the course of the studies of the youth and to rectify what is amiss for the better breeding of the students in religion and learning, and to do, use and exercise all other things necessary in the premises that to the office of commissioners in such cases of the law and customs of this realm are known to pertain, likewise and as freely in all respects as any other of his majesty's commissioners in such cases or affairs might have lawfully done at any time bygone, or may do in time coming. Which commissioners shall be held to report their proceedings in the said matter to his majesty and estates, or any whom they shall appoint for that effect between now and the [...] day of [...], and this present commission shall endure until the [...] day of [...]. Likewise his majesty and estates of parliament ordain a new commission for visitation of the said university to be granted at every parliament.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.189r-189v. Back
  2. John Lindsay had actually been created Earl of Lindsay in May 1633. Back