[1641/8/177]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day, regarding the two supplications given in to the parliament by David Lindsay of Edzell, for himself and his tenants of his lands and baronies of Glenesk, Edzell and Newdosk, making mention of the hardships and oppressions done against him and his said tenants by great numbers of broken Highlanders carrying away of great quantities of horses, cattle, sheep and other plenishing from him and his said tenants in a barbarous and violent way, and wounding of sundry of the tenants, occasioned by his subscribing of the covenant, as the supplication at more length bears. Which supplication being this day moved in audience of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, and they now not having time to answer the same, his majesty and estates of parliament remit the consideration of the foresaid losses mentioned in the said supplications to the committee appointed for settling the common burdens of the kingdom, seeing that the said losses perchance will fall under the compass of the act of oblivion or the parties will be found not able to pay.