[1641/8/172]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day, regarding the supplication given in to the parliament by John Drymmie, brother to the late Isobel, spouse to Robert Walker in Charleton within the parish of Montrose, making mention that upon the [...] day of May last the said John† Walker strangled and killed the said Isobel Drymmie, his spouse, and thereafter carried her to the cruives of Morphie in manner contained in the supplication, and therefore desiring the king and parliament to grant commission for apprehending of the said Robert Walker and David Graham and Margaret Graham, his sister, to be examined and tortured regarding the said murder, and being found guilty to put them to death, as the supplication more fully purports. Which supplication, being read in audience of the king's majesty and parliament and the desire thereof taken to consideration by them, his majesty and estates of parliament grant commission to the provost and bailies of Montrose for trying of the murder of the said late Isobel Drymmie, and for the apprehending of the said Robert Walker, her husband, and of the said David Graham and Margaret Graham, his sister, and for trying and examining of the said three persons regarding the foresaid murder. And thereafter ordain the provost and bailies of Montrose to report to the secret council the trial to be taken by them in the said matter, that the council may take such course relating thereto as appertains.