
Prayer said and rolls called.

The king being present.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v-150r. Back
Procedure: ordinance concerning the supplication by the town of Berwick
Ordinance regarding the town of Berwick's supplication

The which day the supplication presented to the king's majesty by the mayor, bailies and burgesses of Berwick, desiring some timber for repairing their bridge and that some new gates built and platforms may be permitted to stand and that two or three iron pieces may also be permitted to remain there for safety of their ships, being read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, his majesty and estates foresaid appoint [William Kerr], earl of Lothian to give directions to Robert Murray that he may go to Berwick to visit the foresaid particulars mentioned in the said petition and report again to the parliament, and ordain him in his going to take along with him the lairds [Sir John Home] of Blackadder, [John Ramsay of] Edington and [John Renton of] Lamberton or any of them, as also ordain the said Earl of Lothian to acquaint the English commissioners herewith.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v-150r. Back
Legislation: private act
Act in favour of the burgh of Dornoch regarding the change of their fair

Our sovereign lord, with consent of the estates of this present parliament, considering that where the burgh of Dornoch has in their charter of erection in a free royal burgh granted and conveyed to them by his majesty a fair to be held at the said burgh on 10 October yearly, to continue and endure yearly for the space of three days thereafter, with the whole customs and tolls of the said fairs, as the said charter of erection amply purports. And because the said fair, which is appointed to be held at the said burgh upon the said 10 October yearly, is hurtful and very prejudicial to the said burgh and neighbours adjacent thereabouts by eating and destroying their corns then being upon the ground and not usually harvested nor brought in at the time thereof, therefore our said sovereign lord, with consent foresaid, annuls and discharges the said fair which was appointed to begin and to be held upon the said 10 October yearly, and has given, granted and conveyed and by this act of new again gives, grants and conveys to the said burgh of Dornoch and to the provost and bailies thereof a new fair to be held at the said burgh yearly hereafter upon 22 October yearly, and to continue for the space of three days, to be called St Gilbert's fair, with the whole toll, small customs and privileges whereof, likewise and as freely as any other fairs are held yearly within the said burgh in all time coming. And ordains letters of publication to be directed hereupon as appropriate.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v. Back
  2. NAS, PA2/22, f.149v-150r. Back