[1641/8/140]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the supplication given in to the parliament by Anna Inglis, lady Aiket, against William Cunningham of Aiket, her husband, desiring payment of her bygone modification and a constant allowance in time coming from her husband for her aliment, being read in audience of parliament, his majesty and estates of parliament, having taken the same to consideration, decree the sum of 200 merks to the supplicant to be paid to her yearly by the said William Cunningham of Aiket, her husband, in part payment of bygones according to the act of the committee of estates set down between the parties, which sum ordain to be presently paid to the said supplicant and declare she shall have no further modification until the end of the cause; and ordain her to have letters to warn her said husband at the cross of Paisley and kirk of Dunlop to compear before the parliament to answer to the desire of her supplication and also to summon witness for proving thereof, and declare the citation above-written lawful.