
Prayer said and rolls called.

The king being present.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.143v. Back
  2. Defined in DSL as a West Highland or Irish galley. Back
Procedure: ordinance concerning the Irish business
Ordinance regarding the Irish business

The which day the report from the committee above-mentioned for considering upon the commotion of Ireland being read in audience of his majesty and parliament, of this tenor following, namely: the committee appointed for taking to their consideration the commotions in Ireland being met in [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general's house, and having read the letter directed to the king's majesty from [Edward Chichester], lord Chichester, dated at Belfast, 21 October 1641, have considered that his majesty, out of his wisdom and royal care of the peace of his kingdoms, has already acquainted the parliament of England with the intelligence from Ireland, and has sent to Ireland to know the certainty of that commotion and of the forces of that combination, which, until it be further known, there can be no particular course taken for suppressing thereof; and the kingdom of Ireland being dependent upon the crown and kingdom of England, the English may conceive jealousies and mistake our forwardness when they shall hear of our preparations without their knowledge in this, wherein they are first and more properly concerned; and if the insurrection be of that importance as the British within Ireland are not powerful enough to suppress it without assistance of greater forces than their own, and that his majesty and parliament of England shall think our aid necessary to join with them, we conceive that the assistance which we can contribute may be in readiness as soon as England; and if, after resolution taken by his majesty with advice of both parliaments, it shall be found necessary that we give a present assistance, we shall go about it with that speed which may witness our dutiful respect to his majesty's service and our affection to our brethren, his majesty's loyal subjects of England and Ireland, as the report bears. His majesty and parliament appoint three of the barons and three of the burghs to meet with [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton at 3 o'clock after noon to take to their consideration by way of estimation or conjecture the number of boats or lymfads which in the parts of this kingdom lying opposite to Ireland may be had in readiness, and what number of men may be transported therein, and to report again to the parliament. And ordain the foresaid report above-mentioned this day read and produced to be recorded in parliament for future memory as is above-written as a testimony of their affection to his majesty's service and the good of the neighbouring kingdoms.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.143v. Back
  2. Defined in DSL as a West Highland or Irish galley. Back