The 35th day of this session of parliament
[1641/8/95]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayer said and rolls called.
The king being present.
The which day motion being moved to his majesty and parliament if the nomination and election of [John Campbell], lord Loudoun to be chancellor and the gift granted by his majesty thereupon, being of several dates, shall be all of one date or expressed in the several days as they were done, his majesty and estates of parliament ordain that the gift and act shall all bear one day and date, namely 30 September [1641], notwithstanding of the difference of the minutes of the records of parliament.
[1641/8/96]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, taking to consideration that forasmuch as James, marquis of Hamilton has been entrusted by his majesty with his majesty's great seal of Scotland these years bygone, who by himself and his under-keeper Master John Hamilton, advocate, has served the lieges and done everything incumbent to the keeper of the said seal faithfully and diligently, and because of the nomination and election of John, lord Loudoun to be lord high chancellor of Scotland, to whom his majesty and the said estates have appointed the said noble marquis to deliver the said great seal, who, for obedience of the said command, produced the said great seal in presence of the king and parliament to be delivered as said is, therefore his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, exonerates and renounces the claim against the said James, marquis of Hamilton and his said under-keeper of the said great seal and of their carriages and actions in the keeping thereof and of their using the same during the said space.
[1641/8/97]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament ordain [Sir James Carmichael], depute treasurer, and John Falconer, master of the mint-house, or any of them, to deliver to John, lord Loudoun, now chancellor of this kingdom, the chancellery mace which is in their hands; concerning which, this warrant (subscribed by [John Elphinstone, lord Balmerino], president of the parliament, in presence of parliament) shall be a sufficient warrant; which mace, for obedience thereof, was exhibited in parliament.
[1641/8/98]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament, having taken to their consideration the petition of James [Livingstone], lord Almond, making mention of the trust put upon him by the committee of estates of this kingdom, with consent of [Alexander Leslie of Balgonie], lord general, whereby he was entrusted in the charge of lieutenant general of their army in the late troubles, and that during the time of his said employment he has laboured in all faithfulness to acquit himself, and seeing by the blessing of God and the happiness of the late treaty all matters of that kind are brought to a peaceable close, he therefore desires that the king's majesty and estates of parliament would be pleased to disburden him of that charge and receive an account of his actions therein, which he is willing to render that so he may have his majesty's and estates' approbation or censure as he has deserved, as his supplication at more length bears. His majesty and the estates, finding the said petition to be most equitable, and having compared the petitioner's whole actions and deportments in all the parts of his charge foresaid with his commission granted to him the time of his undertaking the said charge, together with the said lord general's approbation of the said Lord Almond's carriage in the said charge, do find and declare that the said James, lord Almond has in all fidelity and nobility of spirit walked worthy of so great trust as was put upon him to be lieutenant general of the said army; and therefore his majesty and estates of parliament not only do liberate and exonerate him of the said charge and commission or what might be required thereby, but also, for the further demonstration of their respect to his noble deportment, do add to his true worth their general approbation and do honour him with this their national testimony: that he has deserved well of the public as a loyal subject to the king, a faithful servant to the estates of parliament and a true patriot to his country.
[1641/8/99]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day John, lord Loudoun, chancellor, being called before the throne where his majesty sat in his chair of state, the said Lord Loudoun swore the oath of allegiance and the oath of a councillor, and thereafter received out of his majesty's hand his patent of chancellor with the great seal thereto appended, likewise the foresaid seal and mace being exhibited in parliament were also delivered to the said Lord Loudoun, chancellor; and thereafter he swore the oath of faithful administration in his office, and so sat down in the place due to him as chancellor upon the throne and upon the right hand of [John Elphinstone, lord Balmerino], president of parliament.
[1641/8/100]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day a general complaint regarding the prejudices sustained by the lieges through the lords of session their not passing of bills and doing their duties incumbent to their places and charge for administration of justice to the lieges, being read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, and the desire thereof considered by them, his majesty and estates foresaid give warrant to the lords of session to do all and every duty incumbent to the charge, according to use and wont, until the king and parliament signify their further pleasure thereupon.