Procedure: report of the committee for the army
Regarding the payment of the officers of the army and soldiers of fortune

The which day the report of the committee for the army regarding these particulars following, namely: regarding the pay craved by those captain lieutenants who commanded the colonel's company, this committee, finding that by an act of the committee of estates those captain lieutenants were only allowed to have, namely: the foot, 100 merks and the horse, £100, and because they actually discharged both the charge of captain and lieutenant, it is represented by this committee to the parliament that they may be pleased to allow them a captain's pay in respect the colonel dispenses with his pay as captain. Item, regarding the payment of superior officers who have companies, this committee adheres to the act of the committee of estates made relating thereto, whereby it is ordained that they shall have no pay as captains of companies. Item, regarding those who come in place of dead or dismissed officers, the committee of the army allows no payment for those or any of them who come in place of any dead or dismissed officers unless the general shall show a reason in the contrary. Item, regarding those troopers that refuse to render back their horse and equipment to their masters who furnished them out, this committee represents to the parliament that some course may be taken in relation thereto. Being reported and read in audience of the king's majesty and parliament, his majesty and estates of parliament ratify and approve the same report and articles above-written, in manner following, namely: they allow a captain's pay, according to the first article, and adhere to the act of the committee of estates for the second article regarding the superior officers' pay, and approve the order foresaid of the committee of the army regarding the third article for the pay of those who come in the place of any dead or dismissed officers; and regarding the fourth article for those troopers that refuse to render back their horse and equipment, ordain that no money be paid either for officer or soldier until account of arms and horse be made by them.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.129r. Back