The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament, having taken to their consideration the petition of Sir William Douglas of Cavers, sheriff of Teviotdale, making mention of the trust put upon him as a commissioner with [Charles Seton], earl of Dunfermline, [John Campbell], lord Loudoun and Master Robert Barclay by the parliament in November 1639 for clearing to his majesty the proceedings of the said parliament, as is at length expressed in the commissions and instructions given to the said Sir William and the other commissioners relating thereto by the parliament, and thereafter in [...] 1640 the said Sir William with some other commissioners of each estate were sent from the committee of parliament to the treaty of peace between the king's majesty and his subjects of Scotland and between the kingdoms of Scotland and England, which was begun at Ripon and thereafter translated to London, according to the commission and instructions respectively given to him with the other commissioners; and the said Lord Loudoun, having returned in July 1641 with the whole proceedings and conclusions of the treaty to the estates of parliament, after due trial and public approbation thereof, he was sent back to London with new instructions and commission to himself and the other commissioners joined with him for final concluding and subscribing the articles of the treaty of peace, which accordingly was done by the commissioners of both kingdoms and thereafter ratified by the king's majesty and both parliaments. And therefore, humbly desiring the king's majesty and estates of parliament to examine his whole actions and carriage in the foresaid public and weighty employments, and if he has walked faithfully according to his commission and instructions, he may be exonerated of so great a charge and have the public approbation of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, as the supplication given in by the said Sir William Douglas thereupon at more length bears. His majesty and estates, finding the said petition most equitable, and having compared the petitioner's whole actions and deportments in all the parts of the foresaid public negotiation with his commission and instructions, do find and declare that the said Sir William Douglas has so faithfully, diligently and carefully behaved himself in the foresaid charge, employment and trust put upon him in all the passages thereof as he justly deserves their true testimony of his approved fidelity and diligence; and therefore his majesty and estates of parliament do not only liberate and exonerate him of all question or challenge that can be laid to him for his carriage in the foresaid charge and employment, but also for the full acknowledgement of his fidelity and diligence foresaid do give him this well deserved testimony and approbation: that he has in all fidelity, care and diligence behaved himself in the foresaid employments, charge and trust as a loyal subject to the king and true patriot to his country.
[1641/8/70]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament, having taken to their consideration the petition of Sir Patrick Hepburn of Waughton, making mention of the trust put upon him with some other commissioners by the committee of estates in the year 1640 for the treaty of peace between the king's majesty and his subjects of Scotland and between the kingdoms of Scotland and England, which was begun at Ripon and thereafter translated to London, according to the commission and instructions respectively granted relating thereto; and John [Campbell], lord Loudoun, having returned in July 1641 with the whole proceedings and conclusions of the treaty to the estates of parliament, after due trial and public approbation, he was sent back to London with new commission and instructions to himself and other commissioners joined with him, whereof the said Sir Patrick Hepburn was one, for final concluding and subscribing of the treaty of peace, which was accordingly done by the commissioners of both kingdoms and thereafter ratified by the king's majesty and both parliaments; and therefore, the said petitioner, humbly desiring the king's majesty and estates of parliament to examine his whole actions and carriage in the foresaid public and weighty employment, and if he has walked faithfully according to their commissions and instructions, that he may be exonerated of so great a charge and have the public approbation of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, as the said supplication at more length bears. And his majesty and estates of parliament, finding the foresaid desire most reasonable, and having considered the report of the committee appointed by them for examination of the said Laird of Waughton's whole actions and carriage in the foresaid employments, and compared the same with the commission and instructions granted to him and other commissioners, together with the testimony of the king's majesty and other commissioners who were in the commission, do find and declare that the said Laird of Waughton has so faithfully, diligently and carefully behaved himself in the foresaid charge and trust put upon him as he justly deserves the true testimony of his approved fidelity and diligence; and therefore his majesty and estates of parliament do not only liberate and exonerate him of all question or challenge that can be laid to him for his carriage in the foresaid charge and employment, but also, for the full demonstration of their acknowledgement of his fidelity and diligence foresaid, do give him this well deserving testimony and approbation: that he has in all fidelity, care and diligence behaved himself in the foresaid employment and charges as a loyal subject to the king and true patriot to his country.
[1641/8/71]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament, having taken to their consideration the petition of William Drummond of Riccarton, making mention of the trust put upon him with some other commissioners by the committee of parliament in [...] 1640 for the treaty of peace between the king's majesty and his subjects of Scotland and between the kingdoms of Scotland and England, which was begun at Ripon and thereafter translated to London, according to the commission and instructions respectively granted to the said petitioner and the other commissioners relating thereto; and John [Campbell], lord Loudoun, one of the said commissioners, having returned in July 1641 with the whole proceedings and conclusions of the treaty to the estates of parliament, after due trial and public approbation thereof, he was sent back to London with new commission and instructions to himself and other commissioners joined with him for final concluding and subscribing the articles of peace, which accordingly was done by the commissioners of both kingdoms and thereafter ratified by the king's majesty and both parliaments; and therefore, the said petitioner humbly desiring the king's majesty and estates of parliament to examine his whole actions and carriage in the foresaid public and weighty employments, and if he has walked faithfully according to their commissions and instructions, that he may be exonerated of so great a charge and have the public approbation of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, as the said supplication at more length bears. His majesty and estates, finding the foresaid petition and desire most equitable, and having considered the report of the committee appointed by the parliament for examination of the said Laird of Riccarton's whole carriage in the foresaid employment, and compared the said petitioner's whole actions and deportments in the foresaid public negotiation with their commissions and instructions, together with the testimony of the king's majesty and other commissioners who were in the commission and trust with the said Laird of Riccarton, do find and declare that the said William Drummond of Riccarton has behaved himself so carefully, diligently and faithfully in the foresaid charge as he deserves their testimony and approbation thereof; and therefore his majesty and estates of parliament do not only liberate and exonerate him of all question or challenge that can be laid to him for his carriage in the foresaid charge and employment, but also do give him this well deserved testimony and approbation: that he has behaved himself in the foresaid employment and trust as a loyal subject to the king and true patriot to his country.
[1641/8/72]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the king's majesty and estates of parliament, having taken to their consideration the petition of Master Robert Barclay, provost of Irvine, making mention of the trust put upon him as a commissioner with [Charles Seton], earl of Dunfermline, [John Campbell], lord Loudoun and [Sir William Douglas of Cavers], sheriff of Teviotdale, by the estates of parliament in November 1639 for clearing to his majesty the parliament's proceedings, according to the commission and instructions given to the said four commissioners relating thereto, and therefore desiring his majesty and estates of parliament to take trial of the supplicant's carriage in the said employment and accordingly either to censure or approve his proceedings as after trial they shall find to deserve, as the supplication in the self more fully bears. His majesty and estates foresaid found the desire foresaid of the said petition most equitable, and having examined the supplicant's carriage and proceedings in the foresaid employment and compared the same with the said commission and instructions, they find and declare that the said Master Robert Barclay has so faithfully, diligently and carefully behaved himself in the foresaid employment and trust put upon him as he justly deserves their true testimony of his approved fidelity and diligence; and therefore his majesty and estates of parliament do not only liberate and exonerate him of all question or challenge that can be laid to him for his carriage in the foresaid employment, but also do give him this well deserved testimony and approbation: that he has in all fidelity, care and diligence behaved himself in the foresaid employment as a loyal subject to the king and true patriot to his country.
[1641/8/73]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the supplication given in to the parliament by William Cunningham of Polton against Alexander [Stewart], earl of Galloway, together with the answers made thereto by the earl, personally present, being read in audience of the king and parliament, his majesty and estates of parliament appoint the duplicate of the said answers to be given to the supplicant to be answered by him, and in the meantime assign Tuesday next to summon such witnesses as are in town for proving of the complaint, and assign 7 October [1641] for summoning such witnesses as were not in town, without prejudice to the earl of his defence in the cause and objections against the witnesses.