
Prayer said and rolls called.

The king being present.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.116v-117r. Back
Legislation: private act
Act of ratification of the profession of theology in the University of Glasgow

Our sovereign lord and estates of this present parliament ratify and approve the act of the general assembly, dated 28 August 1639, proceeding upon the supplication given in to the said assembly for the University of Glasgow by Doctor John Strange, desiring that means might be used for furnishing of the university with a competent number of professors, and to invite or transport any who shall be found fit for the said professions, by the which act power is given to the commissioner nominated therein to invite or transport any who shall be found fit for profession of theology to the said university within this kingdom (not transporting any from any other university within this kingdom or any minister out of Edinburgh), as the commission of the date foresaid more fully purports; together with an act and sentence of the said commissioner bearing date 29 January 1640, ordaining the said Master David Dickson to be transported from his ministry at Irvine to be a professor of theology within the said University of Glasgow, in manner and at the time contained in the said act and set down by the commissioner relating thereto; together also with the condescending and agreement passed thereupon between the principal and regents of the college of Glasgow and the said Master David Dickson, dated 27 February 1640, whereby the said Master David promised to transport himself to the said college between that and 15 March next thereafter and to undergo the charge of a doctor and professor of theology within the said college, and on the other part the principal and regents of the said college, with consent of the rector thereof, have agreed and condescended that the said Master David shall have paid yearly out of the parsonage teinds of the parish of Kilbride for his stipend during his service of the cure the sum of £800 Scots money yearly at Whitsunday [May/June] or within 15 days hereafter, beginning the first year's payment at Whitsunday [13 June] 1641 for the crop 1640, and that the said Master David shall also have for his dwelling house yearly that house high and low lying at the north end of the said college occupied by Master Robert Mayne, as the agreement subscribed by both the said parties likewise bears; together likewise with the act of the general assembly at Aberdeen, bearing date 3 August 1640, ratifying and approving the foresaid transportation and agreement above-mentioned, as that act in the self more fully bears, in the whole heads, articles, obligation and conditions respectively contained in the foresaid commission, sentence, determination, agreement and ratification above-rehearsed, containing the said Master David Dickson's transportation from the kirk of Irvine to the college of Glasgow and payment and assurance to him of the foresaid stipend and lodging above-mentioned. Likewise our sovereign lord and estates of parliament declare that this present general ratification is and shall be as valid in all respects as if the foresaid particular writs were inserted word for word at length herein, concerning which, and regarding all other objections that can be alleged against this, our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament foresaid have dispensed and dispense for ever. And also declare, decree and ordain that the foresaid commission, act, agreement and ratification respectively above-written, with this present ratification of the same, shall be a sufficient ground, right and title to the said Master David Dickson and his successors in the function and place above-written for holding and possessing thereof, and also for possessing and inhabiting the lodging and dwelling above-specified and uplifting and receiving the foresaid stipend of £800 out of the said parsonage teinds of the parish of Kilbride of the said crop and year of God 1640 according to the said agreement and in time coming, providing always that this present ratification of the said commission from the general assembly shall be no ground of right in time coming to the said university to transport ministers to the said profession of theology from any place of this kingdom.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.116v-117r. Back