[1641/8/46]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with consent of the estates of parliament, understanding that the general assembly of the kirk has by their special act made on 30 July 1640, session 3, ordained all idolatrous images, crucifixes, pictures of Christ and all other idolatrous pictures to be demolished and removed forth and from all kirks, colleges, chapels and other public places, therefore ordain all presbyteries to take diligent trial of all idolatrous pictures and images being within kirks, colleges, chapels and other public places, and after trial intimate the same first to the owners and parties themselves that they may remove the same. And in case they do neither appeal presently from the presbytery in the ordinary way to the synod and general assembly nor remove them within the space of three months, then to intimate the same to all sheriffs, stewarts, bailies, magistrates of burghs and regalities within the which the same shall be found. And ordain them upon the requisition to be made to them by the said presbyteries, moderator or brethren thereof to raze, demolish, abolish, cast down or deface all these idolatrous images, pictures and other idolatrous monuments foresaid, accordingly as they shall be enjoined and directed from the foresaid presbytery from time to time, each one of them within their own bounds and jurisdiction respectively except in the case of appellation foresaid. And if the presbyteries be negligent, that they be censured by the synods and general assemblies and the sheriffs and other officers foresaid (in case of their negligence) to be censured by the secret council as they shall think reasonable, and prohibit and discharge all making of such images or idols and all construction of the same in all time coming under all highest pains to be inflicted upon the contraveners thereof.