[1641/8/3]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, his majesty's advocate, gave in and produced in plain parliament, in presence of the king's majesty and estates of parliament this day convened, this protestation following, namely: I, Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall, knight, his majesty's advocate, being removed out of parliament 23 July last until the estates should advise and give answer relating thereto, and understanding that they upon 9 August instant have ordained me to re-enter and sit without voting as their ordinance purports, which for my own particular interest I do humbly obey; but as his majesty's advocate and one of the officers of state by my place protest that my obedience to the said ordinance prejudice not me and my successors in the said place, liberties and privileges thereof, and desire this my protestation to be inserted in the books of parliament. Which protestation above-mentioned so produced by his majesty's advocate was publicly read in audience of the king's majesty and parliament.
It was moved by [Archibald Campbell], earl of Argyll that in case anything debatable should occur to be proposed in parliament, then two of each estate should be sent to speak thereupon to his majesty privately beforehand. And upon the humble suit of the parliament the king's majesty approved the said motion and agreed thereto.
Whereas the Laird of Langton was commanded to go to the castle by his majesty's warrant for taking upon him without knowledge or direction from his majesty to go before the king as usher with a rod in his hand, yet his majesty declared that since this was the first day of his appearing in parliament he would deal so bountifully with his subjects that none should be imprisoned. And therefore his majesty commanded Langton to keep his chamber until the morning that the matter might be heard and settled regarding his claim to the office of usher.