11 August 1641

[Petition of Sir Robert Spottiswood, president of the court of session]

Petition of Sir Robert Spottiswood [of Dunipace]

To your lordships and others of the high and honourable court of parliament, humbly shows I, your most respective servant Sir Robert Spottiswood, president of the session, that whereas I have been attending his majesty these many months bygone about some of my private affairs, and hearing that in my absence I was cited amongst others as an incendiary against the state, I am come freely to cast myself upon the benignity and favour of this high court. Therefore I humbly beseech your honours to let me know your will concerning me, that I may the sooner apply myself to give you all satisfaction, being most willing to submit all my actions to your favourable censure and to stand no further to the justifying of them than they shall be approved by your good opinions, upon which chiefly I will repose my greatest confidence. Thus humbly expecting your honours' good pleasure, I do as in duty bound pray to God for a blessing upon all your honourable endeavours.

Your honours' most humble and obedient servant, Robert Spottiswood

11 August 1641

Read in audience of the parliament, which orders the act of parliament and their proclamation thereupon to be obeyed and put in execution before they give answer to the supplication.

[Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh, in presence of the lords of parliament

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 11 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back