[A1641/7/38]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
10 August 1641
I, George Aitken of Underedge, grant that I conveyed the whole close, yards, houses and works without exception or reservation of any house or part thereof, and that accordingly I put William Dick [of Braid] and his son, factor and servants in possession of the whole without reservation of any part thereof. And I acknowledge that I have done wrong in the intruding myself in the possession by the deed libelled and proven against me. And I consent that the parliament give warrant to the magistrates of Dunbar or any of them to re-enter William Dick, his sons, factors and servants to the peaceable possession, and oblige me that I shall never trouble nor molest the said William Dick nor his sons and Alexander Drummond, his factor, nor any others his servants in their possession foresaid, nor no otherwise in their persons nor means directly nor indirectly, otherwise than by order of law under the pain of perjury and defamation and payment of the sum of 10,000 merks and also forfeiture of all right and reversion of the whole lands, houses, yards, closes, works and others conveyed by me to the said William Dick and loss thereof for ever in favour of the said William Dick. In witness whereof, I have subscribed this declaration at Edinburgh the day above-written before these witnesses: David [Carnegie], earl of Southesk, William Rigg of Aithernie and Master Robert Barclay, provost of Irvine.
10 August 1641
The estates of parliament interpose their authority to the consent above-written, and according thereto appoints the magistrates of Dunbar to restore William Dick to his possession.
[Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh, in presence of the lords of parliament†