[A1641/7/16]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
A letter from [Alexander Leslie of Balgonie], general, to the parliament, 28 July 1641
For the estates of parliament now sitting at Edinburgh†
Right honourable,
I have received a letter this day from our commissioners. Because the contents of their letter are so important and of so great consequence, I have made haste to take a copy thereof and have sent the principal with all haste to be presented and advised by your lordships and the estates of parliament now met together. I wish the bearer may be at Edinburgh before [Charles Seton], earl of Dunfermline and [John Campbell], lord Loudoun have their dispatch, for as our commissioners crave a speedy answer from me, so I will wait and look to be directed by your lordships what answer I should make and, as I receive the commandment from your lordships, so I shall obey the same, as becomes,
Your lordships' most faithful and humble servant, A[lexander] Leslie [of Balgonie], Newcastle, 26 July 1641
28 July 1641
Read in audience of the parliament, together with the letter to which the same it relates, who appointed a committee of all the estates for answering the same.†