[A1641/7/10]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The humble remonstrance of the lords and others of the committee of estates appointed by the parliament of this kingdom in June 1640 to the high court of parliament now convened
Whereas the said estates of this kingdom then convened in parliament by their act and commission did entrust and commit to the said committee of estates the ordering, directing, acting and executing everything necessary and expedient, as well for the maintenance and preservation of the armies as for ordering the country and whole body and inhabitants thereof, deciding of questions which should rise in any business concerning the peace and quiet of the kingdom and the borrowing and levying of monies for the use of the public with the disbursing and expending thereof, as at more length is contained in the foresaid act and commission granted to them for that effect; according to the which power and commission granted by the said estates the foresaid committee have so far as in them lies walked faithfully and diligently in everything which might concern the good of the kingdom and the dutiful acquitting of the charge and trust committed to them. And seeing the said committee of estates are obliged by virtue of the said commission and oath given at their reception to the said charge to be accountable for their proceedings to the high court of parliament from whom their commission and power did proceed (as also in respect their said commission does now cease), therefore they thought it incumbent to them as well to offer an account of their proceedings to the estates now convened in parliament, as also to represent the true estate and condition of the affairs of this kingdom as they now stand, to the effect that the said estates of parliament may in their wisdom take such present course as the present necessity and exigency of affairs requires, lest the neglect and delay thereof occasion disorder and prejudice.
Regarding this these few articles are humbly represented to the consideration of the parliament:
1. That there is present necessity of the right ordering and directing of the victual already provided for maintenance of the army now in England and for maintenance of the regiments now on foot within this kingdom and what course shall be taken for a constant provision hereafter.
2. It would be ordered how the whole accounts and burdens of the kingdom (as well contracted within the country as in England) may be known, fitted and closed seeing the same is not yet fully accomplished by the auditors formerly appointed for that end.
3. It would be ordered how all collectors, commissaries and others whosoever have had any trust or intromission with what appertains to the public, either by warrant and commission from the said committee of estates or otherwise, may be made accountable for their diligence and intromission, of which the most part are denounced or charged; at least order given for that effect.
4. It would be ordered how the principal sums and annualrents of the same due by the public and borrowed for the most part on the private credit of the committee and others may be satisfied.
5. It would be ordered how some present monies may be levied and given in to the commissary for serving of the most pressing and urgent affairs of the kingdom.
6. Course would be taken for the right disposing of the money received at London and an account received thereof.
7. The said committee of estates did appoint the advocates for the estate, with some of their own number, to consider of the processes and papers against incendiaries and enemies cited to the parliament and to draw up their charge and ditties; whereof there was no full report made, so as the parliament would now take notice thereof.
8. They entrusted to some of their own number, with the advocates and procurators for the estate, the drawing up of the charge against [James Graham], earl of Montrose, [Archibald Napier], lord Napier, [Sir George Stirling], laird of Keir and Lieutenant Colonel Walter Stewart, the reports whereof did not come back in respect of the shortness of time; and therefore an account would be craved of them by the estates of parliament.
9. There would be an account craved of the burghs how they have fulfilled that agreement made by them with the committee regarding the advancement of the 150,000 guilders to the factors at Campvere.
10. Any other particulars as they shall occur will be remonstrated by the clerks of the said committee, who have the records, grounds and rules of the said committee's proceedings by them.
20 July 1641
Produced by [Master Adam Hepburn of] Humbie, clerk of the committee, and publicly read in audience of the estates. Whereupon Humbie, for himself as clerk and in name of the whole committee, asked instruments, and that he in name foresaid offered the account of their proceedings to the parliament and earnestly desired the same to be received.
The estates ordain every estate to have a copy hereof to be advised.