Ratification of the act of exchequer made in favour of those who have engaged for the sum of 100,000 merks for the king's expenses against his coming to Scotland

The which day the estates of parliament ratify and approve the act of exchequer of the date 22 July 1641, made and set down in favour of those noblemen and others and each one of them who has given bond and security to William Dick of Braid for payment to him of the sum of 100,000 merks, with the interest thereof and penalty if any be contained in the said bond for payment thereof at Martinmas [11 November] next borrowed and uplifted from the said William Dick, for defraying the king's majesty's expenses against his coming to this kingdom in manner specified in the said act in the whole heads, articles and clauses of the same act; and declare this present general ratification thereof to be as valid and sufficient as if the foresaid act were at length and word by word inserted herein, wherewith the estates of parliament dispense for ever, and find and declare the foresaid act of exchequer of the date above-written to be a necessary act, and therefore ratify and approve the same in the whole heads, tenor and contents thereof as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.84v-85r. Back