
Rolls called and prayer said.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.83v-84r. Back
Committee Members: concerning the lawfulness of bonds
Committee from the parliament to the assembly concerning the lawfulness or unlawfulness of bonds of the tenor of the bond burnt

The which day [John Elphinstone], lord Balmerino, president of the committee for those in the castle, making report of the proceedings of that committee and having caused read [James Graham], earl of Montrose's deposition, with the interrogatories and papers written in defence of the bond, with some representations from the said committee and an answer made by the Earl of Montrose thereto, and because the paper or declaration seems to be a speech against the opposers of the bond, likewise in some speeches uttered by the Earl of Montrose he has mentioned the bond and appears not to disavow the same, but to acknowledge that albeit the bond was burnt for respects mentioned therein yet the subscribers thereof are not freed from their oath, therefore the estates of parliament thought it fitting to voice whether the bond shall be represented to the assembly or not. And the estates, after voicing, find that the copy of the said bond should be represented to the assembly in a fair way, and after voicing of the way and manner of representing thereof, it is found that the copy of the bond shall be represented to the assembly and their judgement craved if a bond in the like nature may be lawfully made in time coming or not, and for representing hereof the estates appoints [William Kerr], earl of Lothian and [John Hay], lord Yester for the nobility, the lairds [Sir Alexander Erskine] of Dun and [Sir George Dundas of] Dundas for the barons and [Patrick Leslie], commissioner of Aberdeen and [Patrick Bell, commissioner for] Glasgow for the burghs, with Master Adam Hepburn of Humbie, and the estates appoint them also represent to the assembly, with the copy of the bond, the renunciation thereof or declaration made by the subscribers of the bond.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.83v-84r. Back