[1641/7/59]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates of parliament modify the sum of 200 merks Scots money monthly of pay to the said Colonel Lindsay for keeping of the castle of Edinburgh, in addition to the sum paid to him by the town of Edinburgh, and ordain the same pay to be given from the time of his entry to the castle by order from the committee of estates, whose commission granted by them to Colonel Lindsay the estates of parliament ratify and approve from the beginning and hereby renew the same commission to him; and find no necessity of payment to a minister in the castle, seeing the presbytery of Edinburgh have appointed some of their number to supply that place in the castle. And also the estates ratify and approve the power and warrant given by the committee of estates to Stephen Boyd for uplifting the castle rents of Edinburgh, and appoint and ordain the said Stephen Boyd to pay the said Colonel Lindsay and his soldiers and porters in the castle out of the said castle rents.