Procedure: the Laird of Keir heard

[Sir George Stirling], laird of Keir, being called in presence of the parliament, declared that ever since the beginning he had heartily joined in the good cause and had never swerved from the straight way of advancing the same, and if any suspicion be now against him he hopes to purge himself thereof, and in the meantime desires the estates to suspend any prejudicial opinion of him until he be tried, and craved that when summons shall be given against him liberty may be granted to him to meet with [James Graham], earl of Montrose and [Archibald Napier], lord Napier that they may advise upon their common defence.

The estates declare they will proceed legally according to justice and when, after citation, any supplication shall be exhibited, the same shall receive answer.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.77v. Back