The fourth day of parliament
[1641/7/25]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The letter directed by the estates to his majesty bearing their contentment for his majesty's intention to come in person and ratify what shall be concluded in the treaty, and showing the resolution of the parliament for sitting still for preparing business, but not for concluding before 17 August, and acquainting his majesty with the refusal of [John Stewart, earl of] Traquair's submission and their desire to remand him being publicly read and approved by the estates, they ordain the same to be subscribed by four of each estate and [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of Burleigh], president of the parliament. For doing whereof, each estate nominated these persons, namely: for the noblemen, [Archibald Campbell, earl of] Argyll, [John Gordon, earl of] Sutherland, [John Erskine, earl of] Mar and [James Livingstone, lord Almond], lord lieutenant general; for the barons, lairds [Sir Robert Innes of] Innes, [Sir Alexander Erskine of] Dun, [Sir Thomas Myreton of] Cambo and [Sir Thomas Hope of] Kerse; for the burghs, [James Cochrane and Richard Maxwell, commissioners for] Edinburgh, [Robert Arnott, commissioner for] Perth, [James Fletcher, commissioner for] Dundee and [Patrick Leslie, commissioner for] Aberdeen, which letter was accordingly subscribed in face of parliament.
[1641/7/26]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
A letter from the estates of parliament to their commissioners at London being read and approved was also subscribed by [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of Burleigh], president of the parliament, at command of the estates.
[1641/7/27]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
1. It is ordained that none be admitted to remain in the parliament house with the estates but only the members of parliament, and it is declared that only the three depute clerks of parliament are the only number of the clerks allowed by the estates, with a servant to each one of them, to remain in the parliament house for serving of the estates. It is also declared that [Archibald Johnston of Wariston], clerk of the assembly, and [Master Robert Dalgleish], agent for the kirk, shall be permitted to remain in and sit at the table with the said clerks of parliament and their servants.
2. Item, it is ordained that the whole committees of estate, as well those lords of the session who are upon the committee as the other barons and burgesses of that number, with the clerks of the committee and his colleague and the procurators for the estate nominated by the committee, shall also be permitted to come in and sit here.
3. Item, it is ordained that none who are admitted to remain within the house of parliament shall have any weapons except the members of parliament and those only to have their swords if they please. Reserving to the constable and marischal and their servants their ordinary arms, which they are only permitted to have in the riding days of the parliament, that is the first and last days thereof.
4. Item, it is ordained that there be two sessions every day, one from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock and another from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock, except only on the Monday, upon the which there shall be no session, but the Monday shall be altogether free, and on the Saturday one session only from 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock in the forenoon and no meeting in the afternoon that day; and for better keeping these diets ordain the sermons each day to end before 9 o'clock, and appoint a great bell to ring a competent space at the said several hours of meeting and a little bell in the parliament house also to ring at the hours of dissolving; and also ordain the rolls to be called every time when [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of Burleigh], president, sits down and who be not then present and enters after the calling out of the rolls to pay the penalties following, namely: 18s for the noblemen, 12s for each baron and 6s for each burgess; and it is ordained that these penalties following, namely: £20 for each nobleman, 20 merks for each baron and 10 merks for each commissioner of burghs shall be paid by them respectively for each day's absence, and the half of these penalties for each session's absence, but the whole penalties to be paid for the Saturday's absence wherein there is only one session, and no licence nor excuse for absents to be granted but by the president with consent of the house.
5. Item, it is ordained that none speak without licence asked and granted by the president, and who be permitted to speak that he be heard to an end without interruption, and that who shall reply direct his speech to the president and not to the former speaker for eschewing of contest and hate; as also that none interrupt the time of voicing.
6. Item, it is ordained that the noblemen and commissioners of shires and burghs shall take their places as they are or shall be called by the rolls, which places to remain void in their absence.
7. Item, it is ordained that all those who are admitted to remain in the parliament house and are not members of parliament shall keep their places appointed and be uncovered and silent, unless they be desired to speak.
8. Item, it is ordained that a minister be appointed to attend every day for the prayer at morning and evening; as also that a minister be appointed every Sabbath day during the parliament to preach in the parliament house to the members of parliament.
9. It is statute and ordained by the estates of parliament that when any overtures are proposed every estate shall have the same overtures 24 hours to advise the same before they be urged to answer thereto.
10. It is ordained that the parliament house be hung and the cloth of state put up.
11. Item, it is ordained that the marischal of the house and his deputes that he see the articles above-written, so far as concerns their office, put in execution; and in the meantime commits to [William Kerr], earl of Lothian, [Sir Alexander Erskine], laird of Dun and Master Robert Barclay, commissioner for Irvine, to see the orders before written performed, observed and put in execution and this during the absence of the marischal.
12. Item, for better keeping the hours of meeting it is ordained that whosoever comes in late shall pay their penalties thereof at their incoming before going to their seats; and who fails shall pay the double and the refusers thereof to have the censure of the house.
13. Item, that the rolls be called every night before the prayers be said and who be then absent to pay the penalty of a session's absence, unless such a reasonable cause be shown as shall be admitted.