Declaration: king's intentions regarding civil government
Concerning the civil government

It is his majesty's royal resolution to govern his people according to the fundamental laws of the kingdom and that all matters civil shall be judged by parliaments and other inferior courts of justice established by the law of this kingdom.

It is his majesty's intention at his being here to command the council, session and other courts of justice to be patent and administer justice equally to all men.

His majesty intends to ratify the treaty of peace in the parliament of England before his coming down, and to ratify the same in the parliament of Scotland at the next ensuing session thereof, but because kindness cannot stand on the one side alone, his majesty expects mutual retribution of thankfulness from his parliament as that, upon his royal and real performance of these favours to this kirk and kingdom, the parliament will give the demonstration of the dutiful respect to his majesty in not denying some few desires which his majesty conceives may serve for his honour and is no prejudice to the kingdom. Upon which terms he did intimate the former expressions of his majesty's royal favour and did immediately relate his majesty's desires hereto subjoined.

1. Concerning the election of officers of state, councillors and session, he did declare that his majesty desires and expects that they would acquiesce and condescend to that answer given by his majesty in the treaty and accept the same as fittest for his majesty's honour and their just satisfaction.

2. Because [John Stewart], earl of Traquair had the honour to be his majesty's high commissioner, and may possibly in the pursuance of his commission and instructions have committed or omitted some things which is displeasing to them, yet, because the king conceives that what he has done having relation to his commission or royal warrants may in some sort reflect upon his majesty's self in point of honour, desires and expects (seeing all matters now are to take a peaceable closure) that his submission will be accepted for whatsoever the said earl has done having relation to his majesty's commission or instructions and for anything else which can be laid to his charge, and particularly for what [Lieutenant Colonel] Walter Stewart has testified against him he is most willing to answer before the king and the parliament. And the said [Charles Seton], earl of Dunfermline and [John Campbell], lord Loudoun did exhibit a copy of a submission from the Earl of Traquair, whereof they said the king had the principal, and if the same was acceptable to the parliament (as they hoped it would) the principal will be sent to them in all haste, and if they would grant his majesty's desire, he will take it as a very good demonstration of the affection of his people and as a singular testimony of the parliament's respect to his majesty.

My behaviour towards the incendiaries in general and particularly toward the Earl of Traquair is so well-known to all who know me and the way I have ever kept in the trust your lordships were pleased to lay upon me, as I hope what I have spoken concerning him will meet with that favourable construction, as your lordships will believe it is for the king's satisfaction and that wherein his majesty conceives his own honour to be concerned and that there may be a greater complacency between the king and his subjects, and not for any particular respect to the Earl of Traquair nor end of my own, for I protest I never had nor have any before my eyes but the good of the public, nor did I undertake nor am engaged to do anything for him but to represent to your lordships clearly his majesty's pleasure as being commanded to deal earnestly that your lordships and the estates of parliament may take the same to your serious consideration.

3. His majesty expects that all others cited to the parliament and not guilty of great and extraordinary crimes, but have only left the country and adhered to his majesty's way, shall at this time be past from.

4. Seeing all things necessary for the peace of the church and kingdom, after full debate, upon mature deliberation, are agreed to in the treaty, his majesty expects that special care will be had that no new thing be urged in the parliament which may be derogatory to his majesty's honour, benefit or his regal power, which they are all sworn to maintain. And did conclude his relation with an earnest persuasive desire that seeing his majesty does esteem the prosperity of his subjects to be his greatest content and the having the hearts and affections of his people to be his chief treasure, that the peers and others assembled in this parliamentary meeting by his majesty's royal warrant would, out of the sense of his royal benignity, endeavour to give that testimony both to him and to the world which may convince all their adversaries of their loyalty and that high estimation which is due to be paid by us to the person and authority of our native king.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.68v-69r. Back