12 April 1641

[Minutes of the committee of estates regarding the continuation of parliament]

The committee has nominated [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton, [John Lindsay], lord Lindsay, [James Chalmers], laird of Gadgirth, Master James Reid, Richard Maxwell and John Semple [of Stainflett] to meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock, with Sir Thomas Nicolson [of Carnock] and the four advocates for the estates and John Dickson to be with them.

They are to resolve and counsel regarding the process against those cited to the parliament what is to be done relating thereto against tomorrow. 2. Regarding the form of the prorogation of the parliament, and to revise the proceeding prorogations. 3. Regarding the act made at Newcastle for restraining of those fled of the country, whether they shall be permitted to come back until a full close of the treaty. These persons are ordained to report their judgements in these particular after noon.

12 April 1641, in the afternoon

Eglinton, Lindsay, Gadgirth, Sir Thomas Nicolson, Richard Maxwell, John Semple, Master James Reid, Master James Baird, Master Alexander Pearson and Master Thomas Nicolson, and Master Roger Mowat present as above.

The persons above-named agreed all that they thought it expedient that the parliament be continued to 25 May next in that same form and manner as the same was continued to 13 April instant, with the same protestation to be subjoined in this act of continuation as is contained in the former act, and desire that the estates may nominate those who shall make the protestation for each estate, and this they desire to be done in respect the copy of the king's letter now produced bears that same word 'our commissioner' which was in the former letter and which word 'our commissioner' occasioned the protestation in the last continuation.

Item, they think that it is not needful particularly that every person cited be called, but that the same be continued in general as in the former act of continuation.

Item, regarding the act made or to be made for licensing or restraining those that have left this country and now desire to return, it is remitted to the consideration of the committee if it should not be expedient that, if the restraint be enacted, that there be an exception of such as are cited or shall be cited to compear before the parliament, that in case they crave a pass, that the pass be granted to them in express terms, that they compear before the committee of estates at Edinburgh within such a space as the granters of their pass shall prescribe by their pass to receive from the committee of estates at Edinburgh such order as the committee shall think fitting to give.

  1. NAS, PA7/2/55, 'Minutes of the committee of estates', 1-2. Back
  2. John Lindsay had actually been created Earl of Lindsay in May 1633. Back