[M1640/11/1]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
At Edinburgh, 19 November 1640, to the which day and place the parliament was continued by the last act of the last session of parliament in July 1640.
The estates of parliament being now convened and set down in plain parliament.
Master William Scott [of Clerkington], one of the clerks of parliament, did publicly intimate by a macer in face of parliament that if there was any to represent anything to the estates of parliament now convened from his majesty and in his name and having his majesty's special warrant, that they should presently compear before this high court of parliament now convened.
Thereafter (none compearing) the whole body of the estates of parliament now convened as said is elected Robert [Balfour], lord [Balfour of] Burleigh to be president of this their meeting in parliament.
Whereupon [Robert Balfour], lord [Balfour of] Burleigh, being chosen president and accepted the same, he did propose publicly to the whole estates now convened the expediency of the continuation of this present parliament and to what day.
Which being put to voting, it was voted and agreed by uniform consent of the whole estate now convened that this present parliament should be continued to 14 January next and in the meantime declared current to that day; and ordained that an act be presently drawn up by the clerk for this effect as follows:
The estates of parliament, presently convened by his majesty's special authority, yet as of before continue this present parliament and all summons and actions intended or depending, with all other matters belonging to the said parliament, to 14 January next, with continuation of days. At the which day, or sooner as the committee of estates and quorums thereof, both in the country and at the army, shall appoint, ordain the whole estates to be present and to attend at Edinburgh or where it shall happen the same to be appointed to be held for the time, and in the meantime declare the said parliament to be current to the day foresaid. And ordain the whole acts and statutes made and concluded in plain parliament in the last session thereof in June last to stand and have the force and strength of laws and acts according to the tenors thereof, in the same way as any acts and statutes of any preceding parliaments in any time bygone, and namely (without prejudice of the generality foresaid) the act of committee of the estates to stand in full force until it be discharged by the estates, and ordain the foresaid acts, with the act of election of the said Robert, lord Burleigh to be president at this meeting of estates, together with this present act of continuation, to be published and printed, according to the last act of continuation bearing date 11 June last, notwithstanding of this present continuation of the parliament to the day above-written.
Which act above-written was publicly read in plain parliament, voted and agreed to by the whole estates convened as said is. Whereupon and premises foresaid the said Robert, lord Burleigh, in name of the whole estates, asked instruments.
Burleigh, president, in presence of the lords of parliament