Procedure: remit to the committee of estates
Act 47
Reference in favour of Sir John Hamilton [of Redhouse]

The estates of parliament convened as said is, having taken to their consideration the desire of the supplication of Sir John Hamilton of Redhouse, craving warrant to the committee of estates appointed to reside at Edinburgh to take the oath of verity of Sir James MacGill of Cranstoun-Riddel upon the claim to be given in against him by the said Sir John, having no other probation and may be defrauded thereof by death, the said estates remit the foresaid claim of the said Sir John Hamilton against the said Sir James MacGill for the sums contained therein and the taking of the said Sir James, his oath thereupon, to the foresaid committee of estates appointed to reside at Edinburgh, and grant full power and warrant to the said committee to the effect above-written, and to determine and give decreet in the said matter accordingly as they, after receiving and advising of the said oath, shall find just and equitable, according to the claim to be given in as said is and oath to be taken thereupon.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.50v-51r. Back