[1640/6/35]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day, in presence of [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], lord commissioner, and lords of privy council, compeared personally John [Leslie], earl of Rothes, James [Graham], earl of Montrose, John [Campbell], lord Loudoun, Sir George Stirling of Keir, knight, Sir William Douglas of Cavers, knight, Sir Henry Wood of Bonnington, knight, John Smith [of Grotehill], burgess of Edinburgh, Master Robert Barclay, provost of Irvine, Master Alexander Henderson, minister at Edinburgh, and Master Archibald Johnston [of Wariston], clerk to the general assembly, and in the name of the present sitting general assembly gave in to the lord commissioner and lords of privy council the petition above-written, which being read, heard and considered by the said lords, they have ordained and ordain the same to be inserted and registered in the books of privy council, and according to the desire thereof ordain the said confession and covenant to be subscribed in time coming by all his majesty's subjects of this kingdom of whatever rank and quality.