[Ratifications approved; acts read and continued; complaint by the Earl of Argyll against Sir Donald Gorme debated]

Ratification to [Sir William Douglas of Cavers], sheriff of Teviotdale.

Ratification to the town of Dumbarton of their three fairs.

Ratification to [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton.

Act ordaining the power of presenting the ministers to kirks which the bishops have been in use to present since 1606 shall belong to the kirk, and that the presbyteries within their jurisdiction shall provide and admit these ministers, read in articles and continued.

Act ratifying the cases against hearers of mass and discharging the subjects of this kingdom to give any oaths in foreign nations contrary to their national oath, read in articles and continued.

Act regarding union and disunion of kirks and plantation of schools etc. read in articles and continued until tomorrow.

Regarding the complaint given in by [Archibald Campbell], earl of Argyll against Sir Donald Gorme and diverse others, craving that [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], the commissioner's grace, and articles would try and punish the calumnies contained in a supplication presented by the said persons against the said earl, the parties being present with their procurators and they heard to dispute therein verbally. The lords of articles ordain the parties to dispute if a party giving in a supplication to the council, wherein the defendant is interested in honour, and thereafter the said defendant craving reparation before the parliament of the prejudice sustained by the calumnies emitted in the said first complaint, if the said first complainer may amend his first complaint or libel when he is complained upon in parliament and either divide, explain or alter in this judicatory where now he is become defender the first dishonourable expressions contained in the libel before the council. The lords of articles find the supplicants in the first supplication complained upon cannot now, at this time, amend the same to elide the Earl of Argyll's complaint now presented to the articles. And in so far as concerns Sir Donald Gorme, the Earl of Argyll referred the complaint exhibited by him to the said Sir Donald's oath and promised to give in his interrogators relating thereto tomorrow.

  1. NAS, PA6/3, 'August 31-October 22 1639', f.15(b) v. Back
  2. 'as is extant in the process', deleted. Back