[C1639/8/50]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Regarding the acts given in by the noblemen for settling the orders in the north and establishing a course for maintaining the peace of the country, and the acts given by the barons for that effect, appoints the committee of noblemen and barons formerly nominated to meet tomorrow at 7 o'clock to examine upon the differences between the two frames of the acts and report tomorrow.
The two supplications presented by the merchants, the one against the discharge of the importation of foreign work, the other craving craftsmen to be discharged from using the trade of merchandise, given up to Richard Maxwell to see.
Supplication presented by Duncan Forbes [of Culloden] for the town of Inverness read in articles, who declared that the supplicants may protest.
Supplication by Duncan Forbes for Inverness, craving exemption from the act of parliament regarding close time in salmon fishing, read, voted and passed in articles.