[C1639/8/42]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Supplication by Thomas Livingstone, indweller in London, craving that the estates would procure liberty and warrant from his majesty for his return to London, read in articles and recommended to [John Stewart, earl of Traquair], the commissioner's grace, to be represented to his majesty and supplicate his highness relating thereto.
Supplication for reparation of the bridges of Linton and Haddington read in articles, who found the same reasonable, and appoint [Robert Ker, earl of Roxburghe], lord privy seal, [George Seton], earl of Winton, [Thomas Hamilton, earl of] Haddington, [John Maitland, earl of] Lauderdale, [Sir Patrick Hepburn], laird of Waughton, Sir John Sinclair of Stevenston, William Seaton, [James Richardson of] Smeaton-Hepburn, [Sir David Home], laird of Wedderburn, or any five of them, Waughton being convener, to meet and try the state of the said two bridges and what sum will be requisite for maintenance and reparation thereof, and how the same shall be exacted and upon what part of the country, and to report their diligence and judgement to the council.
Act regarding caution in suspensions and for releasing arrestments read, voted and passed in articles.
Act appointing the commissioners not to be judges in civil actions exceeding £40 passed again in articles, excepting the commissioners of Edinburgh who may judge in matters not exceeding 100 merks, they instructing that they have power relating thereto by their injunctions.
Act declaring that minors having right to the reversion of comprised lands shall only be liable in the annualrent of the sums for the which comprising is deduced and have right to the surplus of the mails.
Articles declare they will interpret the act of parliament of 1621, chapter 6, regarding comprisings, and find that the minors from whom lands are comprised after expiring of seven years shall have no more benefit by the said act, but only that notwithstanding the legal reversion expire in his minority he may redeem until he be 25 years, but no way that he should have right to the surplus of the mails after the expiring of the legal more than the annualrent of the money whereupon comprising shall be deduced.
Act ordaining the lords of session to call by the table, remits the same to the lords of session to establish the said order and report the same to the secret council, with power to the council to set down the said order in case the session refuse or omit the same.