[C1639/8/36]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Act regarding the exhibition of registers of parliament amended, and given to [Sir George Stirling], laird of Keir to see until after noon.
Act regarding the discharge of proxies, continued to be thought upon. Delivered to Keir.
†Act regarding the commissioners, appointed to be shown to [James Cochrane and Richard Maxwell], commissioners of Edinburgh.
Act for bringing in of thieves continued until tomorrow, and delivered to [David Carnegie], earl of Southesk to be advised with the committee for the north.
†Act regarding the reduction of tacks of teinds read and refused in articles.
Ratification of the act of session regarding the signet for bygones and to stand until etc. [...]†, read, voted and passed in articles.
†Act regarding the discharge of letters of four forms against superiors upon comprisings read and refused in articles.
Act regarding the change of terms read, voted and passed in articles, for borrowing and lending of money upon bond or infeftment (unless the same be a proper wadset) and payment of annualrents only, and the terms to stand for all other things.
Act regarding the change of the session, appoints the town of Edinburgh to be heard thereupon after noon.
Act discharging the execution of a mart by the keepers of Dumbarton, remits the same to the judge ordinary.
Act discharging the coining of copper money, or changing the value of money without advice of parliament, read in articles.
Supplication by Alexander Forbes, complaining upon John Dowgar etc. for shearing his corns in the time of parliament, remitted to the committee for the north and delivered to [David Carnegie], earl of Southesk.